domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Easter holidays

How have been your holidays?
I hope the Easter holidays has been very well for everybody, and that you have eaten a lot of chocolate ;)

On Easter holidays, as all the students have a holiday week, since some years ago every Easter holidays I travel with my family and another friend family, but this year it has been the first one that we haven’t leave. Both families together have been in Valencia twice, La Mancha, País Basc, Madrid, Holland.. but this year we’ve preferred to rest here, at home. I have had to do homework and study, however we haven’t been at home all the days, of course!!

For example, two days of this holyday week my parents, my sister and I went to visit some friends, who live in one small town next to Vic. The first day we arrived in Vic at afternoon and we were to shopping and to walk around the city; then we went to dinner, we met with some more friends and when it was later than midnight we went at friend’s home to sleep. The follow day we woke up early, we had breakfast and we went to visit Sant Miquel del Fai, a nice place known because of its natural waterfall and the natural forms that the rocks have.
At 2 o’clock in the afternoon we went to have lunch in a very nice restaurant which is in Taradell, a town situated between mountains; some years ago it had been a farmhouse but it has been restored and nowadays it’s a modern restaurant. Later, we visited some towns of Osona and the Sau dam, which was full of water. Finally, when it was dark we went to dinner at friend’s house and we came back at our home, in St. Pere Pescador.

In general, this Easter holidays has been different, quieter than lasts years because when you travel, usually you don’t relax; you always hurry up because you have an organized trip, a timetable. Although, to travel is very interesting, I love travel!!!

See youuu*

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Fruit of Spring season

Hello everybody!!
How are you?

As you know and you can feel, we are in the spring season and the weather is changing, but some days it’s sunny, another days it’s cloudy or rain…and it seems to be the good weather doesn’t want to arrive. But some of the typical things which come with the spring season are the flowers and their smell… and some fruits too. And today I want to tell you something about one fruit because I like a lot it; well, I like the most of the fruits in general but I want to talk only about one of them: the strawberry!


Some history:
In XV century, France started to cultivate it and some years later this fruit began to be cultivated in Spain. The wild strawberry came from the Alps and it grow in the forest but after its discovery it began its growing. Its recollect starts in spring but it can be recollected also during the summer.

A short description:
It is a shine, red and small fruit, it has a good smell and it’s better to eat it when it is mature and soft. It’s from the strawberry’s plant and it has the same name: strawberry. It’s one of the fruits which don’t need take out its peel before to eat it; because of that it is a fruit very delicate. It is a season fruit and that’s the reason why its consumption is inferior to others fruits.

How can you eat them?
You can eat them with cream, sugar, orange juice, yogurt, hot chocolate, etc. or with any other ingredient. Moreover, strawberries are a base food of a lot of transformation products as jam, comfitures, sweets, brioche, yogurts, ice, sauces, milkshake...and it also serves to decorate cakes an others.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

A song

Cascada, whom truth name is Natalie Horler, was born in 1981 and she is from Bonn (Germany). She has got two albums: "Every time we touch” (2006) and “Perfect Day” (2007). The song (Myracle) that I show you here it belongs to the first album. I haven’t heard it on the radio but it’s well-known.

I’ve chosen this song to put here in the blog because I like it a lot and because I want to tell you my first “meet” with Cascada:
Millennium, a discotheque from Girona, to open her winter season invited Cascada to sing there and because her fans can see her and hear her songs in view. This day was very exciting but this disco was full of people and we had to see the famous singer very far from the stage where she was singing. Everybody shouted and sang the songs with Cascada but we hadn’t the opportunity to talk with her :( That day I only knew one or two songs which Cascada sang, but since then I’ve learnt more songs and now I’d enjoy a Cascada’s concert a lot more.

The Cascada’s song most well-known is Everytime we touch, it is very funny too…but, as I’ve told you, I want to show you Miracle, which is also beautiful.

Here you have the song wrote and the video clip to see and hear it:

Boy meets girl
You were my dream, my world
But I was blind
You cheated on me from behind
So on my own
I feel so all alone
Though I know it's true
I'm still in love with you

I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see
it can happen to me (x2)

Day and night
I'm always by your side
Cause I know for sure
My love is real my feelings pure
So take a try
No need to ask me why
Cause I know it's true
I'm still in love with you

I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
it can happen to me (x2)

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

A TV programme

FAMA ¡a bailar! is a TV programme where some young people learn to dance.

Each boy has his partner, who is a girl, and both have to compete with the others couples. They, each week, have to learn together a concrete choreography which is invented and showed to them by one dance teacher. Then, the last day of the week, on Friday, the tow directors of this “school” of Fama a bailar take notes of each dancer and his own dance; the two worst dancers are nominated but the partner of the two nominated people also are nominated. Both couples have to invent choreography to show who is better; the public have the last word because the people who are at home have to choose and vote which dancer is better, and finally the one who has got less votes is expulsed of the “school”. Apart of the basic information that I’ve told you, the contestants have to do more things and there are more rules in Fama that they have to carry. They have to work a lot every day if they want to be the better and win the game show.

This TV programme started last year and the winner was the girl called Viqui, but last year I didn’t watch this programme often. On the other hand, this year I’m hook on it, more or less I’ve followed this TV programme since it started in September and I know all the contestants. Now it’s near the Fama’s final and early we know who is the winner of Fama a bailar 2009!

If you don’t know what it is or when you can watch it on TV, I leave here some information:
It is broadcasted on the Cuatro channel every labour day at half past three in the afternoon (3:30 p.m.), on Friday there are the nominations and on Monday there is the “reto”: when the two nominates couples have to dance and one person of the four is expulsed by the public.

The link of fama is this, if someone want to know more about it:

The teachers

The contestants

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009


In the second entrance, I want to tell you my first experience in the big Barça’s football pitch (camp de futbol). The first and the only one time it was one day of the last summer, in August, when it was the GAMPER party, as it celebrates each year.
Since I was a child I’d wished to go to live a direct match in the Camp Nou and see the Barça’s team playing, but the wish wasn’t become real until the last summer.
I went there with my parents, my sister and another family, which is very friend of us.
That day, the Barcelona’s team played a football match with Boca Juniors, one football team form Buenos Aires (Argentina), and until the lasts minutes of the match we didn’t know which team would win, but finally Barça won.
I loved stay there following the entire match and observing the players. The direct match is very different that when we watch it on TV, because in the football pitch we can only see the players playing, and on the TV, apart to watch it, we can listen the comments from the match commentator, who makes it more exciting. However, in the Camp Nou, between so many people, listen their shouts, feel their emotion and their nerves when the players are running near to the goal (porteria) on the verge of (a punt de) scoring a goal, etc. it’s very very amusing and exciting.

I hope to come back again and as soon as possible, the problem it’s that we need free time, transport to go to Barcelona and money because the entrance isn’t cheap.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Wellcome Sarah

Hello everybody!!!
Are you ready to start the last term of 2nd Batxillerat :O?
Manynerves, isn't it?

Well, to start this term I want to tell you a short summary of the Sarah’s oral presentation, which she did last Friday 21th. Sarah is a 25 old girl, who came to our High school to tell us what’s new about her since her lefts from Castelló d’Empúries.
Three years ago, she stayed here to learn teaching: she practiced with us one day of each two weeks and we had to talk in English with her. But she left to Scotland, where she’s from, to finish her degree.

Last week, Sarah came to see us and she did an oral presentation about her new life. She told us (to the English teachers and pupils of 2nd Batxillerat) that she had already finished her degree in two languages and that nowadays she was teaching in Murcia.
She also talked about her country and Scotland, the region of England where she is from, and one of the curious things that she said was that in Garlic language “Alba” means “Scotland” (and in our class or in our society “Alba” is a name of person). More things about Scotland is that her capital is called Edinburgh; the weather is very cold and you only can enjoy the sun in May (because of that she loves the Spanish weather because the winter is cold but in summer the weather is hot and good, not like England as she said); the typical Scottish food is “Haggis”, which is a mixture of meats; there are 5 millions of people who live in Scotland; and, finally, some famous people from Scotland are Sean Connery, Alex Ferguson and Andy Murray.

I’d never thought that we could see and talk with Sarah again, and the time that we could enjoy her real Scottish accent and, of course, her oral presentation was fantastic.

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

The snow and her sport

Hi !!!!!!

This winter is being very cold, and the four next days of this week will be colder than now. The whether of the region near to the beach it doesn’t snow but it’s also cold, however two months later it snowed here; it hadn’t snowed with the same intensity for many years ago.

In the mountains is usual that it snows but this year it has been one of the coldest and intense winter of snow, so the mountains are much snowed. The towns of these mountains full of snow are ready to resist it, and they also take advantage to win money; How? With the ski slopes.
As you know, there are lots of people who go to spend some days to ski which is a sport that only can be practiced in winter and on the mountains snowed; it’s a sport very funny but dangerous too. The bad thing is that it’s a little expensive to practice it because you have to have a good skiing kit: special trousers, jacket, glasses, boots and skies (however, if you haven’t got skies, you can hire them in special shops); and the other thing is that you have to pay to skiing in slopes, and if you want to learn how to ski, also you have to pay to a ski instructor.

Four years ago, I went to the high schools’ excursion that each year the teachers organized, it consists to spend three days skiing in one ski slope of La Cerdanya. We spent three days there and it was an experience very nice and funny. I learnt and skied a lot, I spent good times with my friends, and we had some anecdotes which I never will forget.

Each winter, my parents say: “this year we will go to Puigcerdà and we will spend one day to skiing”, but it doesn’t keep because since that year, I haven’t been to the snow more times. Lucky, this wish, that my family say everyear, has already arrived: this next weekend my family and some friends go to ski in la Molina and we spend tow nights there in one apartment. Maybe I won’t remember to ski because I’ve lost the practice, but to be surer on the snow with the skies my sister and me will have a ski instructor during the first day we ski.

I hope to enjoy there days on the snow :)