lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Wellcome Sarah

Hello everybody!!!
Are you ready to start the last term of 2nd Batxillerat :O?
Manynerves, isn't it?

Well, to start this term I want to tell you a short summary of the Sarah’s oral presentation, which she did last Friday 21th. Sarah is a 25 old girl, who came to our High school to tell us what’s new about her since her lefts from Castelló d’Empúries.
Three years ago, she stayed here to learn teaching: she practiced with us one day of each two weeks and we had to talk in English with her. But she left to Scotland, where she’s from, to finish her degree.

Last week, Sarah came to see us and she did an oral presentation about her new life. She told us (to the English teachers and pupils of 2nd Batxillerat) that she had already finished her degree in two languages and that nowadays she was teaching in Murcia.
She also talked about her country and Scotland, the region of England where she is from, and one of the curious things that she said was that in Garlic language “Alba” means “Scotland” (and in our class or in our society “Alba” is a name of person). More things about Scotland is that her capital is called Edinburgh; the weather is very cold and you only can enjoy the sun in May (because of that she loves the Spanish weather because the winter is cold but in summer the weather is hot and good, not like England as she said); the typical Scottish food is “Haggis”, which is a mixture of meats; there are 5 millions of people who live in Scotland; and, finally, some famous people from Scotland are Sean Connery, Alex Ferguson and Andy Murray.

I’d never thought that we could see and talk with Sarah again, and the time that we could enjoy her real Scottish accent and, of course, her oral presentation was fantastic.

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