viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Fruit of Spring season

Hello everybody!!
How are you?

As you know and you can feel, we are in the spring season and the weather is changing, but some days it’s sunny, another days it’s cloudy or rain…and it seems to be the good weather doesn’t want to arrive. But some of the typical things which come with the spring season are the flowers and their smell… and some fruits too. And today I want to tell you something about one fruit because I like a lot it; well, I like the most of the fruits in general but I want to talk only about one of them: the strawberry!


Some history:
In XV century, France started to cultivate it and some years later this fruit began to be cultivated in Spain. The wild strawberry came from the Alps and it grow in the forest but after its discovery it began its growing. Its recollect starts in spring but it can be recollected also during the summer.

A short description:
It is a shine, red and small fruit, it has a good smell and it’s better to eat it when it is mature and soft. It’s from the strawberry’s plant and it has the same name: strawberry. It’s one of the fruits which don’t need take out its peel before to eat it; because of that it is a fruit very delicate. It is a season fruit and that’s the reason why its consumption is inferior to others fruits.

How can you eat them?
You can eat them with cream, sugar, orange juice, yogurt, hot chocolate, etc. or with any other ingredient. Moreover, strawberries are a base food of a lot of transformation products as jam, comfitures, sweets, brioche, yogurts, ice, sauces, milkshake...and it also serves to decorate cakes an others.

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